I am afraid your aunt is in the majority these days: well-meaning, but totally uneducated about transitioning and trans people. I was in that category until I met my friend, who is a trans woman. My mind, and my life, changed that day, and I continue to be amazed and thankful I met her.
My friend has family members who took a long time to accept her, and friends who never have (it is so sad to reveal who you are to people who you think love you, but turn out to be transphobes, and terrifying if they turn on you with violence, which happened to my friend).
The best part is that people can change, and I hope your aunt, whom you love and who loves you, will accept you at some time... no one knows the future.
If I had one wish for 2021, it is that all cis people meet and get to know trans people. Not sure how to make that happen, but as I said it changed my life!
I am glad I read your article, and look forward to more!