I have love for more people online than I do in real life. And this is not romantic or sexual love. It is some other kind that comes when you really know someone. Anyone can tell me that everything that anyone tells me online is questionable. And I have my antennas up, but I happen to believe the vulnerability that is available online is not available in real life 95% of the time. Do you have to know someone’s name and where they live and what they look like to love them? I say no. In fact if not knowing those things allows you both to lower the walls a bit then I would say better not to know them. As I say many people think I’m crazy to believe this, but there it is.
And I will end with my standard. My DMs are always open for venting with no judgement. When I first made the offer I thought no one would take me up on it, but it turns out many people have and all of us have helped each other. So I make this offer to you as well Erika, and as I always say I’m almost sure that you won’t take me up on it but it’s there.
As always thank you for your insightful writing!