I think for many of us the touch of another caring human is necessary for life. I am not talking about sex, but about human contact. A woman putting her hand on my arm while she tells me something does not have to be sexual, nor does a hug. I wish we lived in a society where the desire to cuddle was not seen as a prerequisite to sex, but as a connection to life. The feeling that I would rather cuddle with a woman than an man is perhaps telling. Maybe I would have been better as an Eskimo, with heat such a valuable commodity!
And then there’s this: I am 64. Creepy old man territory. A desire for human contact is to be repressed and not discussed, and certainly not in a tweet! It may seem odd to you, but for me the desire for sex has waned greatly, but the desire for human contact has not. I am almost asexual at this point, perhaps my hormones have left the building… A sorry situation for an old man, but one I live with. I cuddle with my dog, he doesn’t mind too much.