I’m not much of a god person myself. I consider myself more spiritual than religious by a long ways. Not a churchgoer, because I’ve seen too many things in churches that made me know that the human element is fallible. I started to go to AA 12 years ago, with a lot of doubt. I was fortunate to find a sponsor whose policy was go to a meeting every day and don’t drink between meetings. There are lots of atheists in AA, and many of them are angry. Many of them go out again. My sponsor said did you create the world? I said no. Well, then there’s something bigger than you right?
Of course there are holy rollers in AA. But my gentle approach given to me by my sponsor, has let me get through that stuff. I’m lucky that I live in an area with many many many meetings. My sponsor says if you don’t like the one you’re in just go to another one. You don’t even have to pay attention and you don’t have to share if you don’t want to.
I’d be happy to talk to you at any time.