Member-only story
the Dementia Diaries II, stories from losing it
Tuesday February 21st 2023
I'm going to try to dictate these stories without too many edits and stops. Perhaps their nature may help someone to understand how this disease is. There is humor here but less all the time. I think my record is going from one room to another four times trying to remember why.
Both my wife and I are hard of hearing. There is humor in this also but less also. When we don't put our hearing aids in, which is often, we end up raising our voices and it is almost impossible to do that without getting angry, I find. And the other thing is just saying a word or two to indicate that you were listening when you weren't.
Am I still having memory loss? Yes, more and more. I do not do anything on the phone anymore that requires anything to be remembered. At least I have the memory to tell the person to talk to my wife if something has to be remembered. I often sit and try to think of a word and ultimately sometimes just have to abandon it and write differently. And of course, as I've said before arguing loses its luster if you sometimes forget what you are saying in the middle of a sentence. This also happens in my mind even when it isn't audible.
Other aspects of this are showing up. I love to cook, but I have taken to leaving the stove off and forgetting. Now I am not cooking unless my wife is supervising, and I have to agree with this change in policy. Strangely enough my wife and I do very little together, we have trouble matching interests. Married 46 years so it…