This is a great article, Kris; it addresses a situation in my marriage. Something I need to think about. For my wife chores ARE the acts of service. I’m getting older, unfortunately, as we all are, and some chores are beyond my capability now. I would love to know some acts of service she would appreciate, and I guess you’re suggesting that I ask. My opinion is that I will be told chores.
Thanks to your article, I’m going to take a look and see if I can come up with some on my own without asking. In the past this hasn’t always worked well, but perhaps a new perspective will help. I’m afraid in the past I might have been using my frame of reference instead of my wife’s. An example would be making sure the computers are all in good shape. She seems happy that I do it, but could certainly do it herself even though she doesn’t. Anyway, food for thought….
I have a good friend for whom acts of service are a possibility. Since we don’t live together, I often ask if she wants help. It took a long time for her to realize I meant it, and that it was not a bother for me, rather it made me feel good. I am not sure that getting someone’s prescription for them when they are unable is an act of service, but I hope it is.